Hey, I’m Laura.

I’m a dreamer. I believe if you manifest your dreams they will come true. For years, I’ve been dreaming of fields of flowers as my family renovates our family farm in the rolling hills of Dubuque, IA.

Luckily, I have the most fantastic support system. My dad, a farmer and carpenter with 60+ years of experience is always opening my eyes with knowledge he inherited and learned. My mother, Ann, a Master Gardener saves everything I kill. She is my best friend and we easily work side by side in the gardens together. My sister, Dena, is my partner in the flower farm biz, is highly organized to a T and is driven to dig all the holes I need for more plants. Travis, my electrician and engineer is always helping me rethink my plans and layouts, and finds ways to make the job easier. My husband Zach is my best cheerleader and business advisor. He validates my dreams and encourages me everyday. My boys, Oliver and Eben are decent waterers and planters, but often end up in a mud mountain, and I love it.
The farm was purchased by my great-grandparents in 1936. Both my grandmother and father were raised in the same farm house and worked the land.  I grew up spending much of my time here as my dad did chores. We ate right out of the garden, got dirty, and played with the baby animals. The farm was a sanctuary for my many cousins and I. When my father purchased the farm in 2020, Dena and Travis moved into my grandparents home and we have been working hard to restore the entire farm's beauty.

So, we will be here, planting, weeding, harvesting and building and we cannot wait to share this journey with you.

We’re growing like a little weed, follow our story.